There is no such thing as a bad hug ...
only good ones and great ones.
They're not fattening
and they don't cause
cancer or cavities.
They're all natural ...
with no preservatives,
artificial ingredients,
or pesticide residue.
They're cholesterol-free,
naturally sweet,
100 percent wholesome.
And they're a completely
renewable natural resource.
They don't require batteries,
or x-rays.
They're non-taxable,
fully returnable,
and energy efficient.
They're safe in all kinds of weather;
In fact, they're especially good
for cold or rainy days.
They're exceptionally effective
in treating problems
Like bad dreams
or the Monday blahs.
Hugs are free to give
and free to get.
There is no minimum
age requirement.
You can never get hurt
by giving a hug.
You can give someone a hug
at anytime ...
day or night!
There are also
many different types of hugs:
Hugs of sadness,
and hugs of joy,
Loose hugs with a kiss on the cheek,
big bear hugs,
And a pat on the back hug.
You can hug hello,
and you can hug goodbye.
You can have
a one-on-one hug or a
group hug.
You can hug a human,
you can hug a pet,
You can hug a stuffed toy,
you can hug a tree,
And you can even hug
Hugs can warm you from the cold and
They can comfort you when you are scared.
You can hug while you dance and
You can hug while you sleep.
There is no time limit on giving a hug.
Hugs never go out of style.
There is no restriction
on how many hugs
you can give.
Hugs cross all racial,
and age boundaries.
Hugs are love,
hugs are caring,
hugs just feel good!
Be a deer
And Give Someone A Hug!